Industry 4.0-based developments

Helping you manage uncertainty

We help address critical issues that affect the industry and your business by combining extensive industry experience and specialist knowledge; along with building long-standing relationships with clients and industry stakeholders, to truly identify and respond to the needs of our clients.

Industry 4.0

Manufacturing is undergoing major transformation. The fourth industrial revolution, known as Industry 4.0, is rapidly integrating the physical with the digital; disrupting manufacturing with automation, digitalisation and new materials. This impacts products and supply chains, and pushes manufacturers to shift business models towards customer-centricity. For manufacturers, the road to Industry 4.0 may seem overwhelming, particularly when large corporations lead the way - however, through ‘incrovation’ or incremental, iterative innovation - and a holistic approach, manufacturers can adopt Industry 4.0 more readily.

Adopting Industry 4.0

Helping you manage uncertainty

At BDO, our specialists provide practical and strategic guidance by helping you identify and leverage key competencies in your existing manufacturing business. With deep sector experience, we help manufacturers improve their day-to-day business performance, manage their risks and enable their people to deliver on 4.0 by helping them through the process of digital transformation, and adapting their tools and cultural approaches so that new ways of doing things become part of their DNA. 

Our goal is to help our clients succeed and grow. We help address critical issues that affect the industry and your business by combining extensive industry experience and specialist knowledge; along with building long-standing relationships with clients and industry stakeholders, to truly identify and respond to the needs of our clients.

 Our team of experts work together to offer a holistic approach to your manufacturing business. BDO’s team provide a complete range of services as well as specialised services for manufacturers including: 

  • Automation, RPA & cost optimization
  • Data analytics including ‘right-sized’ inventory and buyer behaviour analysis
  • Cyber security assessments, training and governance
  • Strategic planning and advice
  • Change management implementation
  • Risk assurance and advisory
  • Access to funding through research and development incentives, grants and pre-lending and debt facility reviews.




Krisztián Valter

Digital I Managing Director, ISO27001 chief auditor
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Vadász Gábor

Gábor Vadász

Digital | Chief Technology Officer
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