With almost a decade’s worth of management experience within the Hungarian Tax Authority, Gábor has insider knowledge of how the Tax Authority operates and its decision-making mechanisms work, and therefore he can protect the interests of taxpayers very effectively.
Gábor’s other area of expertise is corporate law, including in particular legal advice on company establishment and corporate restructuring.
Gábor has extensive experience in insolvency law, particularly in compulsory liquidation and bankruptcy procedures, in the representation of creditors in such procedures, and in connection with debt settlements.
Gábor has also gained valuable experience in voluntary liquidation, mandatory striking-off and asset allocation procedures.
- tax law
- representation before tax authorities
- litigation and dispute resolution
- corporate law
- civil law
- insolvency law
- Saldo Pénzügyi Tanácsadó és Informatikai Zrt,
tax advisor course
- Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, Post-Graduate Institute of Law, specialisation in corporate law
- University of Szeged, Faculty of Economics, specialist course for legal professionals
- University of Szeged, Hungary, Faculty of Law
- Jókay & Partners, lawyer (from 2014)
- Hungarian Tax Authority Deputy Head of General Department (2012-2014)
- Hungarian Tax Authority, Head of Department (2007-2011)
- Hungarian Tax Authority, lawyer (2004-2006)
- Somogyi & Szentes Law Firm, associate (2003)
- Hungarian (native)
- English (intermediate)
- German (intermediate)