

  • Payroll accounting and accounting work related to other wage-type benefits, preparation of wage disbursement documents
  • Keeping records of leaves and other absences
  • Preparation and submission of monthly returns and reports
  • Preparation of monthly payroll posting and data provision for the client’s accounting system
  • Preparation of electronic wages transfer to the bank
  • Data supply to the competent authorities regarding new and quitting employees
  • In the case of quitting employees, preparation of the documents serving for the certification of employment
  • Annual provision of data to the tax and social security authorities
  • Issuing annual certificates to employees
  • Preparation of the annual personal income tax returns
  • Preparation and submission of statistical reports
  • Preparation of monthly statements and reports (broken down to cost centres as well)
  • Preparation of income certificates, completion of forms
  • Representation before the National Health Insurance Fund Administration, the Tax Authority, and other bodies in the event of an audit
  • In the case of employers which have a social security disbursement office, provision of complete social security administration services, statement and recognition of the legitimacy of social security benefits, preparation of data supply and submission of data to the competent authority
  • In the case of employers which do not have a social security disbursement office, data supply and the preparation of certificates required for the disbursement of the various pecuniary social security benefits

If you are interested, please contact us by sending an e-mail to Our staff will soon contact you! Thank you for your enquiry!

Zsákai Gábor

Gábor Zsákai

ACCOUNTING I Managing Partner
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