Assessment of contribution in kind

Assessment of contribution in kind

Assessment of the valuation of contribution in kind provided for capital increase in business association in compliance with the Act C of 2000 on Accounting, Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code, and based on the Hungarian Audit Standards.

Edina Deák

AUDIT & ASSURANCE | Partner, certified auditor
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András Schillinger

AUDIT & ASSURANCE | Partner, certified auditor
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Edina Molnár-Szakács

AUDIT & ASSURANCE | ACCA | Director, IFRS advisory
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Edmond Gaál

AUDIT & ASSURANCE | Managing director, partner, certified auditor
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Ferenc Baumgartner

AUDIT & ASSURANCE | Managing director, partner, certified auditor
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Péter Kékesi

AUDIT & ASSURANCE | Managing director, certified auditor
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