Network operation services

In addition to our system management services, we also undertake the construction and operation of networks for companies and office buildings. In the course of our work, we often find that the IT network set up by the office building's power specialists is shared by several companies. This is dangerous because in such a configuration, companies can access each other's servers, resources and even company data!

The service includes both software and hardware management of the network. A common hardware failure is endpoint failure, which can usually be rectified by replacement on site. Software adjustments can usually be made quickly and remotely. 


For our customers with multiple sites, we can provide encrypted connectivity over the internet between offices. This method allows you to securely run servers in one location. 


We can guarantee your staff access to your internal IT network over a secure, encrypted VPN channel, even when they are away from the office or one of your sites. 


An important network security setting is to ensure that network components and computers only have access to the devices they absolutely need. This includes isolating guest Wifi!


Krisztián Valter

Digital I Managing Director, ISO27001 chief auditor
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Vadász Gábor

Gábor Vadász

Digital | Chief Technology Officer
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