Dr. István Jókay
Our lawyers have outstanding experience in competition law matters. If requested, we can evaluate whether a proposed transaction or merger is subject to the Hungarian competition authority’s approval.
In due diligence reviews, we identify the circumstances that can expose our clients to risks in a potential investigation by the competition authority. We advise our clients on whether a modification of the corporate structure or certain contractual terms is needed, or other urgent steps should be taken. We evaluate contracts that carry high a risk under antitrust law, particularly cooperation and distribution agreements. We can assist our clients in the formulation of a strategy to be employed in the case of an investigation by the competition authority.
In order to minimise risks associated with consumer protection regulations, and particularly cases of misleading or deceptive information, we offer to carry our advance reviews of our clients’ marketing plans and advertising materials. We offer comprehensive advisory services in connection with regulatory procedures launched on the basis of alleged abuses of a dominant market position, consumer deception or unfair market practices. If necessary, we bring private action against competitors engaged in unfair practices.
If requested, we can provide training to clients about how high-risk competition law violations can be avoided.
We have extensive experience in connection with procedures concerning the notification of state aid to the European Commission. We can provide opinion on whether a specific case qualifies as prohibited state aid that restricts or distorts competition in the market.
We are proud to have successfully represented our clients in many procedures launched by regulatory agencies in connection with competition law, advertising law and consumer protection matters, and in lawsuits before public administration courts.
Dr. István Jókay