Real estate law

Real estate law

  • legal representation in the preparation of contracts for commercial and residential real estate and in land registry and municipal procedures
  • preparation of a real estate sales contract and full legal processing of the sale
  • quick relief of real estate, and in the case of a bank loans, negotiations with the financing bank, as well as the preparation of collateral contracts encumbering the real estate (establishment of mortgage rights, acknowledgment of debt, etc.)
  • providing legal representation during real estate investments – including greenfield and brownfield investments
  • real estate related due diligence
  • preparation of planning, construction, main and subcontractor-, general contractor contracts during real estate development
  • withdrawal of properties from cultivation
  • land division, land development
  • creation and termination of joint property
  • answering specific legal questions (e.g. termination of a lease, assessment of real estate risks)
  • providing legal representation during property protection proceedings

Dr. István Jókay

Legal Advisory I Head of office, Attorney (HU), specialist in tax law, partner
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